Import costs for COB Certified Self-Study Courses are either Zero-Rated or very minimal!

Pitney Bowes Duty Calculator

Example Import Calculation for our self-study course box set shipment, using the Pitney Bowes Duty Calculator.

If you decide to use the Pitney Bowes Duty Calculator to check your customs costs, ensure you use the Product Categories below.


Example Using Shipment to the USA

1 From where to where you import

Importing from:

United Kingdom

Importing to:

United States  (Choose Your Country)

Shipping method:


2 The type of product, its value and where it was manufactured

Product description:

Product Category

ISBN Registered Books Box Set

Books, Media, CDS

Product Sub category:

Technical, Scientific or Professional

Product value:


Country of manufacture:

United Kingdom

3 The cost of shipping and insurance of importing

Shipping costs:

£0.00 (Our shipping is FREE)

Insurance costs:

£0.00 (We don't charge insurance)

Calculation results for Importing Our Product to USA (using Pitney Bowes Duty Calculator) - You can try this yourself at their web site..

Total customs value:


This is the amount that customs values your import at

- Duty:


- Merchandise Processing Fee:


Total import duty & taxes due:


This is the amount that needs to be paid to customs (Thats about a $1)

- Product, shipping & insurance:


Total landed cost:


Ignore this - This includes the total price of product

Calculate Costs for Importing our Products to Your Country